Wendy’s Wonderful Kids – Gage and Damon

After four years in foster care, twin brothers, Damon and Gage entered Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, a signature program of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, that brings children waiting to be adopted from foster care one step closer to safe, loving and permanent homes. The evidenced based program model is up to three times more effective at serving children who have been in foster care the longest, including older youth, sibling groups and children with special needs.
Just two years after entering the program Gage, then age 15, was fortunate enough to be adopted. The family was unable to adopt his twin due to Damon’s medical needs. But even though adoption was not an option, the WWK recruiter and the adoptive family made sure Damon and Gage stayed connected. Gage and his new family made regular visits to Damon, bought him new clothing, and each year took him to the Tim Tebow prom. With the help of their WWK recruiter, the family was able to stay in close contact with Damon, ensuring the brothers bond stayed strong.
In 2021, after Damon and Gage’s 18th birthday, the family was finally able to take guardianship of Damon, allowing the family to oversee his care and make sure that his needs continue to be met. Gage and Damon now have a thriving forever family, thanks to Wendy’s Wonderful Kids and a family that was determined to keep two brothers together.