Support for Older Youth
For teenagers in foster care, the path to adulthood is not always straightforward. Without a traditional support system or family, these young people face a host of challenges. At The Villages, we recognize that older youth need the same love, stability, and support as young children, yet also have unique needs for their age group.
The Older Youth Initiatives (OYI) program assists current and former foster youth who were under the care and supervision of the Indiana Department of Child Services and in out-of-home placement. OYI encompasses Older Youth Services, Collaborative Care and Voluntary Older Youth Services. The Villages is the OYI provider in 20 Indiana counties.
Older Youth Services (OYS) helps older youths achieve their adulthood case plan goals. OYS primarily focuses on helping youth who are expected to turn 18 in foster care.
Collaborative Care is a continuation of older youth services for youths (age 18 to 21) who voluntary agree to remain in foster care. Collaborative Care helps older youth reach their case plan goals and successfully transition into adulthood.
Voluntary Older Youth Services are for youths who have “aged out” of the foster care system at 18 or whose Collaborative Care case closed at age 21. These services assist former foster youth in the areas of housing, employment and education.
OYS Outcome Areas
As an OYS provider, The Villages offers instruction, experiential learning and monitoring of services including education; employment; housing; physical and mental health; financial and asset management; daily living activities and youth engagement.
Additional Supportive Services & Programs
• Support for Pregnant and Parenting Youth
• Mental Health Services
• Education and Training Voucher Program
• Indiana Youth Advisory Board
• Opportunity Passport
• College Dorm Placement Program
• National Youth in Transition Outcome Survey
• Summer Bridge Program – Catalyst