A foster family’s commitment to their children..FOREVER – The Villages

Kayla and two of her siblings, Sydney and Cam
Born addicted to the drugs her mother took during pregnancy, Kayla would sleep upright in her foster father’s arms as her tiny body shook from drug withdraws. Receiving warmth from his body and love from his heart, she thrived. Sadly, Kayla had been in three different foster homes by the age of six weeks until being matched by The Villages to foster parents Tina and Craig Tucker.
“I knew after five weeks in our home over Christmas, Kayla was meant to be our daughter, said Tina. “We knew there might be challenges adopting a bi-racial baby who was born drug addicted, but we also knew she was a blessing and it didn’t matter the color of her skin…LOVE IS LOVE.”
The Tuckers, both attorneys at Eli Lilly, knew in their hearts they had much love to give. Bringing three children into their marriage, having two biological children shortly after being married; they then fostered and adopted three children, adopted another child and had two more biological children…bringing the total number of their “beautifully blended family” to 11!
The family is fairly certain that Craig holding and swinging Kayla to comfort her in infancy led to her love of gymnastics. Today, at age 11, Kayla is the youngest gymnast at DeVeau’s School of Gymnastics in Level 8. With a shy smile, Kayla says that she would love to someday compete in the Olympics. Tina and Craig smile and say if anyone can do it Kayla can!
The Villages needs more champions for children
This year saw an unprecedented number of children being removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect reaching upwards of 19,000 Indiana children entering the Child Welfare system. The Villages children desperately need more champions in their lives like Tina and Craig. They need YOU! Please help us this holiday season surround EVERY CHILD with abundant love, so that their promise can become their reality. Click here to learn more.