Your Generosity Makes a Difference
Dear Friend of Children,
Because of your generous heart for others, you are MAKING A DIFFERENCE each and every day in the lives of our state’s most vulnerable children!
If you supported, like BKD and our other amazing sponsors, The Villages “Family Night at Victory Field”, you created a fun-filled memory of what it’s like to be a normal child … enjoying a new experience and having a “story” to share with teachers and classmates about what it’s like to throw out a “ceremonial pitch” or get a picture taken with Indianapolis Indians mascot, “Rowdie”! Did you buy a new backpack or collect new school supplies like the ELI LILLY LEGAL TEAM? If so, you helped us prepare The Villages school age children for their own “life work” … succeeding in their school class room!
Perhaps you “clicked” on #DIAPER DAY, like the “founder” of this event, ANN KING, and generously sent a box or two of diapers … no small investment! … to The Villages office site closest to you! You have provided affirmation and support for The Villages foster families who are caring for our youngest ones, infants and toddlers, in a loving foster family while their OWN parents struggle to overcome the disease of addiction. You’ve also embraced the hundreds of first-time parents served, daily, in our Healthy Families Program, letting them know community partners throughout the state are “cheering” for them in their new role as a parent!
Or maybe, like WESTPORT HOMES, WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, the WILLIAMS FAMILY, POINDEXTER EXCAVATING, INC. and SO many others, you purchased a “Golf Ball Fore Kids”, sponsored a foursome, or provided a Silent Auction Gift to make the 2018 Golf Classic our most successful, ever!
These efforts ALL help The Villages in our passion to eradicate the inequities between vulnerable children and those more fortunate! That, dear friends, is a HUGE DIFFERENCE MAKER!
And we couldn’t make those differences without YOU!