Thank you for making this a special summer for the children we serve at The Villages
Dear Friend of Children,
Summer is winding down and schools throughout the state are beginning their new academic year. And, there’s much to celebrate at The Villages, thanks to each of YOU!
Your generosity helped provide a stellar night of memories by assuring that more than 250 children, youth and families …. foster, adoptive and kinship families …. could savor hot dogs, cotton candy, baseball, and the infamous “Seventh-Inning Stretch” at The Villages Family Night at Victory Field in late July!
Because you share The Villages passion to invest in the educational potential of each of the more than 1,200 school-age children we are honored to serve each day, EVERY one of them will start this school year with a new backpack and the school supplies they need to be successful! Research clearly documents that, despite the childhood trauma of abuse and neglect, the stability and love of a nurturing foster family and a successful school experience CAN and WILL help a child overcome their painful childhood, and reach their FULL potential!
And, we know that once again, the very youngest children ….infants and toddlers…. for whom The Villages is committed to providing the BEST start in life, will benefit from your huge hearts as you help us achieve our goal of getting 50,000 diapers as a part of THE VILLAGES’ DIAPER DAY on AUG. 28!
Together, as partners, we’re creating BRIGHTER FUTURES for the most precious resource in each of our Indiana communities, from Gary to Evansville …. OUR CHILDREN!! As the only voice they have, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU!
With our gratitude,