The Villages Kids Still Need a Home run!
Sharon Pierce is the former president and CEO of The Villages.
Dear Friend of Children,
Thanks to partners such as you, summer for the thousands of children The Villages is honored to serve EACH DAY typically has been filled with first-time memories: a day camp, a STEM learning lab, a chance to learn how to ride a bike, or a trip to cheer on one of the countless baseball teams who call Indiana their “home plate” … the Rail Cats in Northwest Indiana and the Tin Caps in Fort Wayne, the Indians in Indianapolis, and the Otters in Evansville! But this summer looks different for ALL of us, and most especially for The Villages kids amidst the Coronavirus pandemic and the tragedies of racial injustice.
The Villages Board of Directors, dedicated staff, and selfless foster, adoptive and kinship families passionately believe that THE VILLAGES KIDS STILL NEED A HOME RUN. We understand it is for the health and the safety of ALL of us that baseball seasons are cancelled. Day and overnight camps simply aren’t safe, and the vast majority of park and recreation programs throughout the State are extremely limited. Yet, we can still create those JOYFUL MEMORIES that EVERY CHILD should cherish, as summer comes to an end!
With YOUR HELP, we can make sure that every child who wants a bicycle can have one along with a helmet, families who would love a small plastic wading pool in their backyard can have one, children and families who can benefit from summer fun packs with water toys, bubbles, yard games, books, and groceries for an old fashioned cookout can have just that! And it is never too early to purchase a new backpack, stocked with school supplies whether for a first grader or for one of our older youth finishing up their high school career!
Won’t you join us in creating JOYFUL MEMORIES amidst the unprecedented challenges of THIS summer? You can donate HERE or support The Villages largest annual fundraiser, The Villages GOLF CLASSIC, here! And, you will know that, not only have you been an unwavering FRIEND OF CHILDREN, you have also become a MEMORY MAKER, when JOYFUL MEMORIES are needed more than ever!
Our deepest thanks,