Supporting Healthy Childhoods is Critical for Child Abuse Prevention Month

Sharon Pierce is the former president and CEO of The Villages. 

Greetings, Friend of Children!

Each year, in Indiana, as well as across the nation, APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH. Certainly, this April is unlike any other … and investing in and supporting our state’s children, youth and families has NEVER been more important!

We KNOW that child abuse is PREVENTABLE and that the most effective way to prevent a child from being harmed is by providing resources and support for EVERY parent and caregiver of children. The level of toxic stress that our Hoosier families have been facing has never been higher … the health realities of COVID 19 are frightening; the economic stability of families is being compromised; the isolation from our friends and loved ones is beyond painful; and the future feels completely uncertain.

You understand these stark realities and are rallying to send a strong message to our fellow Hoosiers … WE CHERISH CHILDREN AND AFFIRM FAMILIES.

The BLUE PINWHEEL is the symbol of Child Abuse Prevention Month throughout the country. Why? A pinwheel represents the carefree and joyful childhood we want EVERY child to be blessed with. But, it takes ACTION to make a pinwheel move … the wind, a child running, or someone blowing on the pinwheel’s bright “panels” … just as it takes action, OUR ACTION, to help a child move forward and achieve their full potential! Here are a few things you can do.

Add to the over 41,100 blue pinwheels ALREADY PLANTED in honor of our state’s children. Just click here to order your own colorful PINWHEEL GARDEN! It’s a GREAT family activity, and a positive reminder that CHILDREN are Indiana’s FUTURE!

The myriad of Child Abuse Prevention Month activities carefully planned by SO MANY communities throughout our state is “going VIRTUAL,” so that you can learn about child abuse prevention and cherish our children from the safety of your own home. Please visit our Prevent Child Abuse Indiana website,, often for the most up to date information.

Together, we CAN and WILL invest in keeping our Indiana children safe during these unprecedented times … for they, indeed, are OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE!

Please stay healthy, safe and optimistic.

With Deep Thanks,

Wellness Day Presented by The Villages of Indiana and CareSource
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