CHAIRish 2012: Artist Spotlight, Ashten Houpt

 Another of our fantastic artists, Ashten Houpt, has created another unique masterpiece for us this year.  This “Zebra Chair”, which is wood burned and has two zebra heads on the back, is quite a work of art.  It was a little tricky getting the chair to Ashten’s studio, as you can see below, but she made it work.  (Thanks for your dedication, Ashten!)









She said she wanted the challenge of creating a zebra stripe that wasn’t a traditional black and white.  We think these beginning pictures below look awesome – you will be awed by the final product!







Ashten also did the popular “Giraffe Chair” back in 2009, which also featured two giraffe heads on the back.  Both chairs are nostalgic for Ashten, who remembers being a child and experiencing the joy of seeing these beautiful, exotic animals at the zoo.  Her “Giraffe Chair” went for a whopping $550!
Do you think the Zebra Chair could do the same?  Use the comments section below to tell us how much you love the Zebra Chair and your best guess at what it might raise for The Villages!
Ashten Houpt is a senior at Herron School of Art and Design, studying in the Integrative Studio Practice program and mainly focusing in Book Arts and Printmaking.  She has always had an interest in art and has been taking classes at Herron since she was in 7th grade.  She will graduate this year and hopes to attend graduate school to continue her studies in Book Arts and eventually enter academia as a professor.
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