A New Season of Making Memories

Dear Friend of Children,
As the thermometer FINALLY begins to drop a little bit, it really IS starting to feel like Fall is in the air!
I would guess that for you, just as is the case for MANY, “FALL FAMILY MEMORIES” are among your favorites … jumping in a pile of fallen leaves, decorating pumpkins, going on hayrides, eating a caramel apple, or trick-or-treating with friends! Recently, a speaker, focused on community-building, shared this reality: “Children ALL want the same things we do … But far too often, they are limited by their circumstances!”
Without a doubt, The Villages children are hungering for the same opportunities and experiences that the children in our OWN lives want. So, with YOUR HELP, we are committed, daily, to helping their dreams become a reality!
If it seems to you that we are starting WAY too early to think about the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, imagine planning for the needs of 3,100 children … the number of children and youth The Villages is privileged to serve EVERY day!
Do you have HALLOWEEN COSTUMES you no longer need? We have children across the state who would love to be a Superhero or Princess!
Are you seeking out an opportunity which will help your children, grandchildren or neighbors MAKE A DIFFERENCE? We have countless ways that can happen! Learn more here.
It’s never too early to help brighten a future! Remember … Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday!
Together, let’s get started on making hundreds of childhood dreams come true!