Sharon Pierce is the former president and CEO of The Villages.
Dear Friend of Children,
Remember, as a child, what an important holiday Valentine’s Day was? Selecting the Valentine’s card that was TOTALLY YOU, to present to each class member; exchanging those tiny, but fun candy conversation hearts; baking heart-shaped cookies with your Mom or Grandmother. These are all GREAT MEMORIES.
It is YOUR “Heart for Kids,” your generosity, your involvement, and your voice on behalf of the children in your family, neighborhood, and faith community that assures we continue to create GREAT MEMORIES for Indiana’s children and the 3,100 Villages children we’re honored to serve EVERY DAY!
Thanks to you, we’re providing toys, books, and activities that honor Black History Month and the diverse cultures Villages children represent for our foster, adoptive, and kinship care parents. Read our story about African American hair and skin care training for Villages families and supplies purchased from minority-owned companies.
We’re planning ahead for APRIL 2021 …NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH. We hope you have already selected the spot where you’ll plant YOUR FAMILY PINWHEEL GARDEN! Also vital is the daily support we’re offering ALL of The Villages school-age children who need technology supplies or support for their virtual e-learning.
Just two weeks ago, our nation’s youngest Poet Laureate “wowed” all of us with her reading of her original poem, “The Hill We Climb.” Amanda Gorman overcame numerous childhood challenges, including a major speech impediment, and yet, was sharing her impactful words, aloud, as the United States inaugurated our 46th President. Amanda’s story of perseverance, excellence, and overcoming obstacles is the story of EVERY Villages child, youth, and family! THANKS TO YOUR HEART FOR KIDS, you are assuring that those we serve can “SEE THE LIGHT,” because you’re enabling The Villages to “BE THE LIGHT”!
Thanks for Your Generous Heart,