Recipe for Success
Sharon Pierce is the former president and CEO of The Villages.
Greetings, Champion for Children!
With Valentine’s Day approaching, we are certainly grateful for your generous HEART FOR KIDS! Like so many other “little, but important, things,” Valentine’s Day is one of those joyful memories we try to make special for EVERY one of the 3,100 children we’re so honored to serve each day. Your support helps us do just that!
Even more vital is the ongoing RECIPE FOR SUCCESS to help The Villages children of ALL ages develop problem-solving skills, cherish the privilege to read and learn, and become individuals who spread compassion, understanding, hope and gratitude … despite the challenging childhoods that most of them have experienced!
On March 7, one of The Villages strongest supporters, OLD NATIONAL BANK, is sponsoring their dynamic 100 MEN WHO COOK Event. This year, The Villages is the sole beneficiary! One hundred men, some of whom are Villages board and staff members, will host this “indoor tailgate” at the Old National Centre in downtown Indianapolis with the goal of raising more than $150,000 for The Villages kids! WHY? Because, like you, they want Annabelle to get the bicycle she’s always wanted; Peter to be able to go out for the middle school track team with running shoes that fit; Olivia to be able to attend her junior prom; and older youth, Roberto, to get a safe apartment while waiting for his first paycheck. Want to learn more about how YOU can support 100 Men Who Cook? Click Here.
Have a great February. In this “leap year,” use that extra day to reach out to someone in need who could benefit from a “listening ear” or a “helping hand.” Your helpful hand and heart are a HUGE ingredient in The Villages “RECIPE FOR SUCCESS”!
Our Deepest Thanks,