Adoption is a big decision for any family. At The Villages, we want to make sure it’s the right one for yours by offering information and guidance to help you arrive at the best decision for you. Read below for answers to some of the most frequently asked adoption questions.
The Villages is a licensed child placing agency through the State of Indiana Department of Child Services, and offers different adoption services for multiple types of private adoptions. But we also provide support services for other forms of adoption as well, including adoption from foster care. We are committed to helping children thrive in stable, loving homes, and we accomplish this goal by offering help however we can to our families.
When most people think of adoption, they tend to think of private adoption from an agency. But within private adoption, there are several forms the process can take:
- Attorney or out-of-state agency adoption
- Infant adoption
- Relative/kinship/stepparent adoption
Families can also adopt from foster care. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids and Indiana Adoption Program are two Indiana programs that offer adoption from foster care.
The cost of adoption can vary widely depending on circumstances. There are also private attorney fees to consider, and those will usually depend on the type of adoption you’re pursuing. It’s a good idea to speak with your attorney, and to us as well, to determine what you can expect.
After you adopt, The Villages will continue to provide support and assistance. Whether you need help completing paperwork or preparing for a home visit, or you simply need to ask a question for guidance, we’re here to help provide you with what you need to succeed.
No matter what kind of adoption journey you’re embarking on, The Villages is here to help. Contact us to get started.